Sunday Times & Grundig

Build Your Dream Kitchen

We were approached by The Sunday Times in conjunction with Grundig to help visualise a series of dream kitchen interior spaces designed by key influencers.

After in depth discussions with leading bloggers, chefs and interior designers we were provided with a list of key items and rough space layout sketches.

Each space has been build in 3D using a combination of realistic 3D modelling and lighting techniques with the Grundig appliances fully integrated in the interiors.

We were also responsible for creating a series of making of videos of the assembly of the interiors alongside the integration of the influencer photography which was done in a white studio and comped into the 3D interior.

Making Of Videos

Sunday Times & Grundig
Sunday Times & Grundig
Sunday Times & Grundig
Sunday Times & Grundig
Sunday Times & Grundig
Sunday Times & Grundig

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